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Staying Healthy All Year Around

Everyone wants to be healthy. Unfortunately, unless you take active steps to maintain your health, as you get older, it is likely to deteriorate. I discovered this the hard way. For many years, I avoided visiting the doctor and I didn't really pay attention to my diet. As a result, I developed a number of medical conditions. Thankfully, the staff at my local healthcare clinic were able to help me to recover. From the moment I called and booked my first appointment, to the day of my surgery, the doctors and nurses supported me and explained every step of the treatment plan. I hope you like my blog.



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Staying Healthy All Year Around

    Two Reasons Why New Mums May Need To Get Treatment At A Women’s Health Clinic

    Here are a couple of reasons why women sometimes need to go to a women's health clinic after having a baby. To receive treatment for their weak pelvic floor One very common issue that many new mothers experience after having a baby is a weakened pelvic floor. Damage to a woman's pelvic floor can lead to her experiencing several other health issues, including lower back pain and bladder problems. If a woman has noticed that she has developed symptoms that indicate that the muscles of her pelvic floor have weakened as a result of going through labour, she may decide to get this issue treated at a women's health clinic.

    Understanding Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can affect women during their reproductive years. It's a hormonal condition that causes follicles, which are tiny pouches of fluid, to develop on the ovaries and alters the regularity of eggs being released during a woman's menstrual cycle. The cause of PCOS is not yet fully understood, but there are some factors that doctors believe may contribute to the development of this condition. Excess insulin may interfere with ovulation by increasing the amount of the hormone androgen in your body.

    Why You Should Always Act Quickly When You Experience Hearing Loss

    Losing one of your core senses is a very discomforting feeling and yet often people will try to downplay it and hope that it gets better on its own. Many people who experience sudden deafness or a steep decline in their hearing ability will try to carry on without seeking professional help, and this is a major mistake. An audiologist can help find a solution to your unique problem so make an appointment as soon as you notice symptoms, especially if it is a major shift.

    A Guide On Telemedicine

    Telemedicine is a medical intervention that enables doctors to treat and monitor patients remotely. Primarily, the doctors use modern technology and tools to connect with their ailing patients. If you have do not have a clue on telemedicine, read the excerpt below to learn more about the intervention.  What Is The History Of Telemedicine?  Telemedicine dates back to the invention of communication devices such as the telegraph, telephone, and radio. As such, armies could coordinate their activities effectively since more troops could be sent to the battleground after massive injuries and casualties.

    How a Physiotherapist Can Help You

    If you're new to the world of physiotherapy, you might be looking for more info about how a physiotherapist can help you. This article explores some of the things a physio can do to improve your health and wellbeing. Read on to find out more! Massage Massage can help to promote blood flow to the muscles in your body. It can also help you to relax and reduce pain. The increased blood flow can help with the regeneration of damaged tissue.

    Should You Go for Genetic Screening?

    When a person says that he or she is going to the clinic for genetic screening, it simply means he or she will have tests done to check for the presence or absence of genes that cause hereditary diseases. If the gene is present, you can undergo further testing to confirm whether you already have the disease. Genetic screening can also be done to check whether you carry a predisposition that can cause a particular disease in your child.

    Your Heartburn May Not Be a Trivial Issue

    Do you seem to suffer with heartburn more often than usual? It's a familiar experience for healthy people to undergo the uncomfortable symptoms after a eating a large meal, or consuming too much spicy food, alcohol or coffee. Occasional heartburn can be treated quite satisfactorily with antacids to gain relief. However, if your heartburn is more constant and occurs more than twice a week, it is certainly not trivial and needs investigation.

    The 3 Key Ways You Can Reduce Your Chances Of Developing Cervical Cancer

    Cancer is a horrific disease that has or will impact the lives of almost all Australians either directly or indirectly. Cervical cancer is a common form of cancer that affects women of all ages around the country. It's a devastating form of cancer, yet it's also one of the most preventable forms of women's cancer due to a number of factors. Here are the three key ways to can significantly reduce the likelihood of contracting cervical cancer in the future.