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Staying Healthy All Year Around

Everyone wants to be healthy. Unfortunately, unless you take active steps to maintain your health, as you get older, it is likely to deteriorate. I discovered this the hard way. For many years, I avoided visiting the doctor and I didn't really pay attention to my diet. As a result, I developed a number of medical conditions. Thankfully, the staff at my local healthcare clinic were able to help me to recover. From the moment I called and booked my first appointment, to the day of my surgery, the doctors and nurses supported me and explained every step of the treatment plan. I hope you like my blog.



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Staying Healthy All Year Around

5 Instances When You Should See a Physiotherapist

by Samuel Henderson

When dealing with mobility and body strength issues physiotherapy can be of tremendous help. Pain, injuries, pregnancy and other conditions can weaken your body and induce chronic pain which results in making daily physical chores difficult. Here are a few instances when you might want to consider consulting a physiotherapist.

1.    When Addressing Diabetes

Physiotherapy can be a useful aid when designing a strategy around how to manage diabetes. In some diabetic patients, losing sensation in their legs and feet might become a reality. Physiotherapy helps such patients to improve their balance and avoid tripping especially in the case of a dropped foot. For those who undergo amputations, physio helps to train on how to walk using walking aids and to better adapt to losing a limb.

2.    When Recovering from Surgery

During post-surgery healing, physiotherapy can play an essential role in helping you get back on your feet again. If prolonged bed rest is necessary after a surgery, preventing thrombosis becomes an important consideration. In such a situation, physiotherapy can help you develop regular leg exercises that will keep blood clots from forming.

3.    As Part of a Stroke Recovery Regimen

A stroke can leave a patient with a reduced ability to move around. Necessary everyday chores such as going to the toilet, taking a shower, etc. become extensive and physically draining affairs. Incorporating physical therapy as part of the recovery strategy helps strengthen the body, which in turn improves their degree of mobility.

4.    When Recovering from A Sports-Related Injury

Sports by its very nature involves physical activity which can lead to various types of injuries. Physical therapy helps patients recover in multiple ways depending on the particular injury sustained. A key focus is on getting the patient back to their full mobility range and developing their depth of physical flexibility again.

5.    When  Affected by Muscle Weakness

A potential side effect of surgical procedures is weakening of the muscles mainly due to the lack of movement. To help address this a physiotherapist develops and administers exercises explicitly aimed at making the muscles grow stronger to begin helping the patient regain mobility.


Getting to work through injuries, pain and other debilitating conditions can be daunting. Physiotherapy combines several forms of therapies such as exercises, massages and heat treatments which can help a patient improve their quality of life and get their body in better shape to continue living well again.
