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Staying Healthy All Year Around

Everyone wants to be healthy. Unfortunately, unless you take active steps to maintain your health, as you get older, it is likely to deteriorate. I discovered this the hard way. For many years, I avoided visiting the doctor and I didn't really pay attention to my diet. As a result, I developed a number of medical conditions. Thankfully, the staff at my local healthcare clinic were able to help me to recover. From the moment I called and booked my first appointment, to the day of my surgery, the doctors and nurses supported me and explained every step of the treatment plan. I hope you like my blog.



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Staying Healthy All Year Around


Should You Go for Genetic Screening?

When a person says that he or she is going to the clinic for genetic screening, it simply means he or she will have tests done to check for the presence or absence of genes that cause hereditary diseases. If the gene is present, you can undergo further testing to confirm whether you already have the disease. Genetic screening can also be done to check whether you carry a predisposition that can cause a particular disease in your child.